Our Partners > Panasonic > Photoelectric Switches (Day Light Switches)
Photoelectric Switches (Day Light Switches)
EE Series
Models: EE8123-821, EE8020-821
- For Automatic Switching of Garden lamps, Gate lamps, Window & Showcase lamp, shopping arcades, Illuminated signs and Streetlamps.
- For Automatic Switching of Factory and Work sitelamps.
- Model: EE8020-821 is particularly suitable for roads & highways lighting and parklighting
- No false switching due to momentary high brightness such as from Automobile headlights
- Un-affected by light from controlled lamps due to downward mounting
- High Speed Switching mechanism
- EE Switches are provided with built-in arresters for protection against Lightning surge
- Light Level:
For 3A, Turn ON 40 Lux (approx.)
Turn OFF 120 Lux (approx.)
For 10A, Turn ON 50 Lux (approx.)
Turn OFF 200 Lux (approx.)
- Maximum Number of Lamps to be controlled directly: for 3A
Incandescent Lamps: 10 of 60W
Fluorescent Lamps: 6 of 40W
Mercury Lamps: 3 of 80W/100W/125W
or 1 of 200W/250W/300W
- Maximum Number of Lamps to be controlled directly: for 10A
Incandescent Lamps: 30 of 60W, 20 of 100W
Fluorescent Lamps: 23 of 40W
Mercury Lamps: 10 of 80W/100W
or: 8 of 125W
or: 5 of 200/250W
or: 4 of 300W
or: 3 of 400W
or: 1 of 7000W/1000W
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